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The LOSE team finally get their chance to enter Skullossus' space station. Bholtar looks to the power of TV commercials to sell Cr貌g's inventions.
A leigeil orra gur e muinntir sgrios nam biastag a th' annta, tha Bholtar 's a charaidean a' faighinn a-staigh dhan t-saideal-obrach aig Skullossus! Tha Bholtar airson na h-innealan aig Cr貌g a' reic tro chumhachd sanasan Tbh. Ach 's e batal na h-innealan a tha tighinn gu buil.
Posing as exterminators, the LOSE team finally get their chance to enter Skullossus' space station. Bholtar looks to the power of TV commercials to sell Cr貌g's inventions but all he ends up bringing about is a gadget battle.
Last on
Sun 28 Apr 2013