Episode 5
This week the class attempt 'recall off the lead' and more agility with the tunnel. Tha an clas a' feuchainn 'tilleadh bhon iall' agus tuilleadh l霉th-chleasachd leis an tunail.
It's week 5 of Puppy School and class are attempting 'recall off the lead' - will the excitement be too much of a distraction or will they follow their masters' command? They also have their second instalment of agility training with the 'tunnel'. Daisy and Kara are a couple of jealous Jack Russells in need of some social skills. Behaviourist Julie MacDonald pays them, and owner Mo, a home visit in the hope she can make all their lives a little easier. And we also find out how much Ghillie Dhu, the Miniature Poodle, and Brighde, the Labrador, are enjoying the classes.
Seo seachdain 5 de Sgoil nan Cuileanan agus tha an clas a' feuchainn 'tilleadh bhon iall' - a bheil cus a' dol air adhart mun cuairt neo am bi iad ag 猫isteachd ri am maighstirean? Cuideachd tha tuilleadh l霉th-chleasachd aca leis an 'tunail'. Tha Daisy agus Kara na Jack Russells farmadach dha ch猫ile agus tha t貌rr aca ri ionnsachadh a thaobh a bhith a' coinneachadh coin eile. Tha e貌laiche Julie Dh貌mhnallach a' tadhal orra agus am maighstir, Mo a dh'fheuchainn ri beatha a h-uile duine aca a dh猫anamh beagan nas fhasa. Agus bidh sinn cuideachd a' tadhal air Ghillie Dhu, am Miniature Poodle agus Brighde, an Labrador a dh' fhaicinn a bheil na clasaichean a' c貌rdadh riutha.