Episode 20
Join Kerry Anne Macleod and Allan MacDonald with fun experiments you can try at home. Watch water walk a tightrope and how to grow your own salad!
Thig cuide ri Kerry Anne NicLeòid is Ailean Dòmhnallach airson saidheans a thoirt beò le deuchainnean spòrsail a tha furasta fheuchainn aig an taigh. Am measg na tha ann am prògram an latha an-diugh: coimhead uisge a' coiseachd air ròpa-teann agus mar a dh'fhà sas tu lusan sailead!
Join Kerry Anne Macleod and Allan MacDonald as they bring science to life with fun experiments you can try at home. Among today's challenges: watch water walk a tightrope and how to grow your own salad!
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Dè nì thu ‘s tu a’ campachadh às aonais uisge?
Duration: 03:42
Anns a’ phrògram-sa
Tha Kerry Anne agus Ailean a’ toirt sealladh air na deuchainnean iongantach seo - carson nach fheuch thu fhèin orra:
- cus lùth-suathaidh air an traca-rèise
- tog rocaid dhut fhèin
- coimhead uisge a’ coiseachd air ròpa-teann
- dè nì thu ‘s tu a’ campachadh às aonais uisge
- dìomhaireachd mhòr nam bailiùnaichean
- agus mar a dh’fhà sas tu lusan sailead!
In this episode
- deal with too much friction on the racetrack
- build a homemade rocket
- watch water walk a tightrope
- carry on camping without water
- solve a lung-busting balloon-blowing mystery
- and grow your own salad!
Role | Contributor |
Presenter | Allan MacDonald |
Presenter | Kerry Anne MacLeod |
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