Episode 8
Tha Ailean Caimbeul agus Uilleam MacRobbie a' tighinn gu deireadh an turais. Allan Campbell and William MacRobbie come to the end of their journey at William's home at Achgarve.
'S ann aig togalach a tha dol air ais d脿 mh矛le bliadhna ro Chr矛osd a tha Ailean Caimbeul agus Uilleam MacRobbie aig toiseach gnothaich an-diugh, agus Uilleam ag innse nas aithne dha mun eachdraidh aige. Air a' rathad eadar Meallan 脵draigil agus an t-Achadh Garbh tha Uilleam ag innse sgeulachd Locha na B猫iste agus beagan de dh'eachdraidh Allt an Tarsainn, far an deach na croitearan a chuir a-mach 脿s an dachannan airson cr貌than chaorach a dh猫anamh.
Mu dheireadh, tha sinn a' cluinntinn an tuilleadh mu bheatha Uilleim - mun dachaigh, obair aig muir, agus, ged a tha e teannadh ris a' cheithir fichead sa deich, gu bheil e fhathast ri p矛obaireachd agus na bhall de Ch貌mhlan P矛oba Inbhirnis.
Allan Campbell and Willie MacRobbie are at the village of Mellon Udrigle at the site of a 2000 BC Stone Age hut. Willie describes what is known of the construction of these ingenious shelters and comments on the knowledge and skill of the builders. He also describes some dangerous reefs on the adjacent shore.
On the road between Mellon Udrigle and Achgarve Willie tells the story of Loch na B猫iste traditionally reputed to be occupied by a kelpie. Willie also points out the large stone sheep pens at Allt an Tarsainn where the crofters were evicted in the 19th century and their homes destroyed in order to construct the sheep pens!
Arriving at Willie's home at Achgarve Allan is told how Willie's family has occupied the site for at least 160 years. Willie tells how his great grandfather's family was twice evicted, from Glen Gruinard in the 1830s and again from the coast north of the village of Sand in the 1840s. The family were at Acha Garbh at the time of the 1851 Census.
Willie completes his description of his working life; as an engineer in the merchant navy, and then as a boiler inspector with a major insurance company. He retired at the age of 60 but having just celebrated his 87th birthday he is still fit and an active member of Inverness Pipe Band!
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A' ruighinn an ceann-uidhe
Duration: 03:58
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