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Bholtar's newest plan looks set to backfire when his evil restaurant of disgusting foods proves to be a hit with the town residents!
An droch sh矛de gan cumail a-staigh, tha Ruadh airson geamma a chluich ach 's ann a tha na riaghailtean ga chur bun-os-cionn! Tha Bholtar airson taigh-bidhe fhosgladh a chuireas sgreamh air gach duine ach chan eil am plana seo builleach a dol mar bu choir!
Having to play indoors, Ruadh suggests a board game but it transpires that this may not have been his best idea! Bholtar's newest plan looks set to backfire when his evil restaurant of disgusting foods proves to be a hit with the town residents!
Last on
Sat 1 Jun 2013