Rossini's La Donna del Lago
Ivan Hewett presents a performance of Rossini's opera La Donna del Lago given at the Royal Opera House, Covent Garden, starring Juan Diego Florez, Joyce DiDonato and Colin Lee.
Ivan Hewett introduces Rossini's La Donna del Lago, recorded last month at the Royal Opera House, Covent Garden, starring Juan Diego Florez, Joyce DiDonato and Colin Lee.
Based on Walter Scott's The Lady of the Lake, Rossini's opera illustrates the Romantic fascination with Renaissance Scotland as a place of wild emotion and political confrontation.
Elena, the Lady of the Lake, longs to be united with her true love, Malcom. But her father, the rebel Duglas, is determined that she will marry the Highland chief Rodrigo. Torn between love and duty, she finds her plight is made all the more complicated by Uberto, a handsome stranger who nobody seems to know much about.
This new production by John Fulljames contains, in the words of one critic, "some of the most spectacular singing to be heard at Covent Garden for a while", and celebrates not only the historic Scotland in which the action of the opera takes place, but also the Scotland of the nineteenth century, the period of Rossini and Sir Walter Scott (when fascination with Scots history was at its height). The production highlights the beauty of Scottish landscape, of which the heroine, Elena, is a symbol, while not forgetting the struggles and battles that feature in all retellings of Scottish history.
Elena.....Joyce DiDonato (mezzo-soprano)
King James of Scotland.....Juan Diego Flórez (tenor)
Malcolm.....Daniela Barcellona (mezzo-soprano)
Douglas.....Simon Orfila (bass)
Rodrigo.....Colin Lee (tenor)
Albina.....Justina Gringyte (mezzo-soprano)
Serano.....Robin Leggate (tenor)
A Bard.....Christopher Lackner (baritone)
King's Soldier.....Pablo Bemsch (tenor)
Chorus and Orchestra of the Royal Opera House, Covent Garden
Michele Mariotti, conductor.
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The King faces a Highland rebellion, led by Rodrigo. Rodrigo is due to marry Elena, the daughter of a former ally of the King, but she is in love with the warrior Malcom.
Act I
Scottish people sing of the hope of a new dawn and hear in the far distance the sounds of hunting (Del dì la messaggiera). Elena emerges from a Highland lake looking for Malcom. She clings to the hope of being reunited with him (O mattutini albori!). The King, who has been hunting near the lake, discovers her. Struck by her beauty, he conceals his identity and talks to her. Elena offers the unknown man, ‘Uberto’, hospitality in her home. The two embark on a journey across the lake (Scendi nel piccol legno) as the King’s hunters search for the King.
Elena welcomes Uberto to her home. He learns to his dismay that she is the daughter of the rebel Duglas and that he is therefore in the Highland stronghold. Elena is made ready for her forthcoming marriage to Rodrigo (D’Inibaca, donzella). Uberto questions Elena about Rodrigo, and she finds the strength to say that she loves another man. This rekindles her faith in love – she is in love with the idea of love while Uberto is increasingly in love with her! Fearing discovery, Uberto leaves (Cielo! In qual estasi). Malcom arrives in the Highlands, and remembers happy past times with Elena (Elena! O tu che chiamo!). He anticipates seeing her again. However, when Elena does appear, it is with her father Duglas. Malcom hides. Duglas tells Elena that she should be honoured to marry Rodrigo and their wedding will secure his victory in battle. He will accept no protest from Elena (Taci, lo voglio, e basti). He goes to welcome Rodrigo and his men. Malcom and Elena swear everlasting love (Vivere io non potrò).
The Highlanders and Rodrigo promise themselves that love will be the prize of military success (Qual rapido torrente). They welcome Elena (Vieni, o stella) but her distress is all too evident. Duglas reminds her that she must marry Rodrigo, who ardently professes his love for her (Quanto a quest’alma amante). Malcom enters and is greeted courteously by Rodrigo, who introduces him to his ‘fiancée’ Elena. Elena betrays her feelings for Malcom in her reaction. But before Rodrigo can challenge Malcom, the Highlanders are attacked by the King’s men. Rodrigo prepares to lead his men to battle, ordering war rituals, which climax in the arrival of fire.
Act II
Obsessed with Elena and desperate toÌýfind her again, the disguised King ‘Uberto’ has returned to her Highland home (O fiamma soave). He finds Elena and declares his love. She rejects him, firstgently, then, as he becomes more insistent, fiercely. Uberto gives Elena a signet ring, telling her that it is from the King and will protect her if she takes it to him. Rodrigo, unseen, watches theÌýseemingly intimate conversation (Alla ragion deh rieda). He emerges and orders his men to kill Uberto. Elena intervenes, and Rodrigo leads Uberto off to fight in single combat.
Malcom, searching for Elena and terrified that she may become a casualty of the war, learns that she has fled to the palace to seek the King’s forgiveness for her father. He wishes for death if she is lost (Ah! si pera: ormai la morte). Rodrigo is killed and the Highlanders flee in the face of a Royalist rout. Malcom curses his and Elena’s fate (Che tento! Oh me infelice!).
Elena is determined to end the war by obtaining a pardon for her father and for Malcom. She recognizes the King’s palace as her early childhood home. She is surprised to hear Uberto, singing of his ongoing love for her (Aurora! Ah sorgerai). Still unaware of his true identity, she asks him to lead her to the King.
Seeing him surrounded by his subjects, Elena realizes that Uberto is himself the King. He pardons Duglas and Malcom and gives his blessing to Elena’s marriage to Malcom. Elena celebrates the return of peace to Scotland.
- Sat 15 Jun 2013 18:00´óÏó´«Ã½ Radio 3