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Planaid nan C脿mhalponn/The Planet of Carapodes - part 2
The Carapodes make deliveries to cities on rocky peaks. When the snake stole them all, the planet was left in a bad state.
Tha am Planaid seo cho teth ris an teine theth! Is iad na C脿mhalponn na h-aon chreutairean is urrainn coiseachd mu chuairt a' toirt post agus biadh gu na daoine. Nuair a chaidh na C脿mhalpuinn an goid aig a Nathair, bha a phlanaid na 猫iginn chianail.
The Carapodes, awesome turtles, are the only creatures able to move around this planet, with a burning-hot, impossible-to walk-on surface. The Carapodes deliver mail and goods to cities set on rocky peaks. When the evil snake stole them all, the planet was left in a sorry state.
Last on
Sat 19 May 2018