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Tha litir bheag na seachdain aig Ruaraidh MacIllEathain. This week's short letter for learners is introduced by Ruaraidh MacLean.

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Mon 17 Jun 2013 19:00


An Litir Bheag 423

Tha mi ag innse an stòiridh Am Fear a Fhuair na Trì Comhairlean. B’ e a’ chiad chomhairle – gabh an rathad fada glan, seach an rathad goirid salach. Bha gobhal anns an rathad. Ghabh am marcaiche an rathad goirid. Ach thachair e ri robairean. Ghoid iad a h-uile sgillinn aige. Ghabh am fear eile air an rathad fada, agus cha robh trioblaid aige.

            Ràinig e taigh san anmoch. Bha seann duine a’ fuireach ann, agus boireannach òg. Chuimhnich e an dàrna comhairle – gun a bhith a’ cur seachad oidhche ann an taigh far an robh seann duine agus bean òg. Ghabh e biadh. Bha iad a’ seanchas. Dh’èirich e airson falbh.

            Chaidh e don t-sabhal. Chaidh e am falach am broinn cruach-feòir. Thàinig feadhainn eile don taigh. Chaidh iadsan don t-sabhal cuideachd. Bha fear dhiubh an taic ris a’ chruach-fheòir. Bha siosar beag aig ar caraid. Leis an t-siosar, gheàrr e bìdeag à cota an fhir eile. Cha d’ fhairich am fear eile dad.

            Dh’èirich ar caraid tràth. Ràinig e baile faisg air làimh. Bha ùpraid ann. Bha dithis sheòladairean ann an grèim. Bha iad fo amharas gun do mhuirt iad seann duine ann an taigh faisg air làimh an oidhche roimhe. B’ e sin an taigh far an robh ar caraid.

            Chaidh e gu taigh na cùirte. Bha fear a’ dìteadh nan seòladairean. Bha ar caraid dhen bheachd gun robh iad neoichiontach. Dh’èirich e. Fhuair e cead fianais a thoirt seachad.

            Thuirt e nach iad na seòladairean a rinn am murt an oidhche roimhe. Dh’fhaighnich iad gu dè an dearbhadh a bha aige. Thuirt e nach robh iadsan air làrach a’ mhuirt. Mhìnich e mar a thug e bìdeag à còta an fhir le siosar.

            ‘Tha a’ bhìdeag agam an seo,’ thuirt e. Bha am fear ciontach an làthair. Rinn e airson teicheadh, ach chaidh stad a chur air. Dh’fheuch iad a’ bhìdeag clò air a chòta. Gu dearbh, b’ e sin am pìos a chaidh a ghearradh dheth. B’ e am murtair fear de mhuinntir an àite. Bha na seòladairean neoi-chiontach. Shàbhail ar caraid am beatha oir lean e an dàrna comhairle a fhuair e. Cluinnidh sinn mun treas comhairle an-ath-sheachdain.

The Little Letter 423

I’m telling the story The Man Who Got the Three Pieces of Advice. The first piece of advice was – take the long clean road, rather than the short dirty road. There was a fork in the road. The horse rider took the short road. But he met robbers. They stole every penny he had. The other man took the long road, and he had no trouble.

        He reached a house in the evening. An old man was living there, and a young woman. He remembered the second piece of advice – not to spend a night in a house where there was an old man and a young woman. He ate food. They were chatting. He rose to leave.

        He went to the barn. He hid inside a haystack. Some others came to the house. They went to the barn as well. One of the them was leaning against the haystack. Our friend had a small pair of scissors. With the scissors, he cut a piece from the other man’s coat. The other man didn’t feel anything.

        Our friend rose early. He reached a town nearby. There was uproar. Two sailors were under arrest. They were under suspicion that they [had] murdered an old man in a house nearby. That was the house where our friend was.

        He went to the courthouse. A man was condemning the sailors. Our friend was of the opinion that they were innocent. He rose. He received perm-ission to give evidence.

        He said that it was not the sailors who committed the murder the previous night. They asked what evidence he had. He said they had not been at the scene of the murder. He explained how he took a piece out of the man’s coat with scissors.

        ‘I have the piece here,’ he said. The guilty man was present. He made to flee, but he was stopped. They tried the piece of cloth on his coat. Indeed, that was the piece that was cut off. The murderer was a local man. The sailors were innocent. Our friend saved their lives because he followed the second piece of advice he [had] obtained. We’[ll hear about the third piece of advice next week.


  • Mon 17 Jun 2013 19:00

All the letters

Tha gach Litir Bheag an seo / All the Little Letters are here.

Podcast: An Litir Bheag

The Little Letter for Gaelic Learners

An Litir Bheag air LearnGaelic

An Litir Bheag is also on LearnGaelic (with PDFs)
