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L.O.S.E have their cable TV cut off, so Bholtar decides to destroy television. He also finds himself the smartest person in town.
脌s d猫idh dha a' bhocsa didsiotach a chall, tha Bholtar airson telebhisean a' sgrios. Ge-t脿, tha e an uair sin ag atharrachadh inntinn nuair tha e a' cruthachadh sianal T.Bh. 霉r. Tha deagh eanchainn aig Bholtar an taca ris a' ch貌rr sa bhaile agus tha e an urra ris-san a h-uile duine a sh脿bhaladh.
When L.O.S.E. get their cable TV cut, Bholtar decides to destroy television. He then decides to start his own television station. Bholtar finds himself the smartest man in town. Can he lead the town in a mission to save all?
Last on
Sun 30 Jun 2013