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Episode 11

Episode 11 of 12

The best of music, great craic and intense rivalry are all guaranteed in Gun Sgot. This week, host Derek MacKay welcomes Mata MacDonald to the pub.

Gun Sgot brings the music and craic of the pub along with the rivalry of its quiz teams into your own front room. Set in the lounge of their local, three teams compete for the Gun Sgot trophy.

Derek MacKay, barman and host, keeps the punters in order and the music snug hosts some of the best singer-songwriters in Scotland.

This programme features workmates from Perth, former school mates from Skye and a team of students from Strathclyde University, and the music is provided by Mata MacDonald.

Captains Sian Baldwin, Ruairidh Cormack and Karen Elder lead their teams in the pub quiz challenge over four rounds. By the time last orders is called, only one will leave with the prestigious Gun Sgot prize.

Bidh ce貌l, craic is c貌mhstri am pailteas ann an Gun Sgot, agus chan fheum thu fi霉's an se貌mar-suidhe agad fh猫in fh脿gail airson oidhche a chur seachad anns an taigh-sheinnse seo.

Bidh aoigh a bh脿r, Derek MacAoidh, a' cumail smachd air luchd-tadhail agus bidh cuid dhe na seinneadairean as fhe脿rr san d霉thaich gan cumail uile ann an deagh shunnd.

Ann am pr貌gram na seachdain seo bidh sgioba a tha ag obair c貌mhla ri ch猫ile ann am Peairt, sgioba a bha e貌lach air a ch猫ile anns an sgoil ann am Port R矛gh agus sgioba bho Oilthigh Srath Chluaidh a str矛 an aghaidh a ch猫ile ann am farpais nan ceist, agus bidh iad uile a' cur f脿ilte air Mata MacDh貌mhnaill gu oisean a chi霉il.

Bidh aig na sgiobairean, Sian Baldwin, Ruairidh MacCarmaig agus Karen Elder na sgiobaidhean aca a' sti霉ireadh tro cheithir chuairtean de cheistean 's de dh霉bhlain, ach saoil c貌 gheibh an duais 's c貌 gheibh an doras?

30 minutes


Role Contributor
Presenter Derek Mackay
Director Michael Hines
Producer Morag Stewart
