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Planaid nan Trean/The Planet of Trainiacs - Part 2
Trains are not running on time, causing havoc. The Little Prince and his trusted friend the Fox will have to restore order.
Tha m矛-riaghailt air a phlanaid seo...'Se treanaichean an aon d貌igh a th'aig na daoine air gluasad mu chuairt ach tha an cl脿r-ama air a dhol droll, a' deanamh miastadh am measg a choimhearsnachd air fad. Tha aig am Prionnsa Beag agus a dheagh charaid an Sionnach ri rian a chuir air an 脿ite.
Chaos reigns on this planet... Trains are the only means of transport, but they are not running on time anymore or they are going to the wrong places, causing havoc in the whole community. The Little Prince and his trusted friend the Fox will have to restore order.
Last on
Thu 12 Jul 2018