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Anpu the camel explores the pyramids but gets stuck in one of the narrow passageways underground. Luckily Bhipo isn't far away!
Tha Anpu, an c脿mhal, airson rannsachadh a dh猫anamh mun cuairt Pioramaidean Ghiza ach tha e a' f脿s steigte ann an aon dhe na slighean fo-thalamh anns a' phioramaid agus chan eil e na aonar an-sin! Gu fortanach, chan eil Bhipo c貌ir fad 脿s.
Anpu the camel is eager to explore the pyramids but unfortunately gets stuck in one of the narrow passageways underground, and he's not alone! Luckily Bhipo isn't far away!
Last on
Wed 19 Nov 2014