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Poor S猫idean doesn't have much sense but luckily Bhipo comes to his rescue when he needs it.
Chan eil m貌ran ciall aig an Goggan as lugha, S猫idean. Nuair a tha e a' f脿illeachadh air an Orra fhaighinn air ais, tha Ogg a' f脿s fiadhaich ach tha Bhipo a' toirt cobhair dha nuair a tha e gl猫 fheumach air.
Sniffles, the littlest of the Goggs, unfortunately doesn't have much common sense. When he fails to return with the amulet, Ogg is livid but luckily Bhipo is there to help him when he needs it the most.
Last on
Sun 19 Apr 2015