Breug Bheag Lara
A chess tournament at school sets off a spiral of lying for Lara who comes to realise that telling the truth is always best.
Tha farpais t脿ileisg san sgoil a' toirt air Lara breug an d猫idh breug innse gus a bheil i a' tighinn gu tuigse gur e an fh矛rinn an c貌mhnaidh as fhe脿rr. Aig an aon 脿m tha T貌naidh agus Gabriel iad fh猫in air a bhith ag innse bhreugan. Tha iadsan cuideachd air am f脿gail air an ceusadh le ciont.
A chess tournament at school sets off a spiral of lying for Lara, who comes to realise that telling the truth is always best. Meanwhile, Tony and Gabriel have been telling fibs of their own which is leaving them wracked with guilt too.
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Coimhead Breug Bheag Lara
Pr貌gram 11 Breug Bheag Lara / Episode 11 - Lara鈥檚 Little Lie
Tidsearan & P脿rantan
Gabhaidh am pr貌gram seo a chleachdadh le p脿rantan no le tidsearan airson rannsachadh a dh猫anamh air imcheistean moralta. Tha notaichean tidseir rim faighinn aig bbc.co.uk/ceisteanlara.
This episode can be used by parents or by teachers to explore moral dilemmas. Further information is available at bbc.co.uk/ceisteanlara.
Mun a' phr貌graim seo
A chess tournament at school sets off a spiral of lying for Lara who comes to realise that telling the truth is always best. Meanwhile, Tony and Gabriel have been telling fibs of their own which is leaving them wracked with guilt too.
Anns a鈥 Chlas
CfE: Sl脿inte agus Sunnd - E貌lasan & Builean:
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