Cuideachadh Lara
Lara is homesick and her friends don't seem to be able to cheer her up. Eventually they learn that sometimes people just need someone to talk to when they are down.
Tha an cianalas air Lara 's chan eil cà il a nì a caraidean ga cuideachadh. Nuair a tha i a' feuchainn ri innse dhaibh dè tha ceà rr, chan eil iad ag èisteachd rithe. Ach, aig a' cheann thall, tha na caraidean ag ionnsachadh gu feum daoine aig amannan dìreach bruidhinn ri cuideigin nuair a tha iad a' faireachdainn ìosal.
Lara is homesick and her friends don't seem to be able to cheer her up. When she initially tries to talk to them they don't really listen to her. Eventually the friends learn that sometimes people just need someone to talk to when they are down.
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Coimhead Cuideachadh Lara
Prògram 13 - Cuideachadh Lara / Episode 13 - Looking after Lara
Tidsearan & PÃ rantan
This episode can be used by parents or by teachers to explore techniques to generate discussion about feelings and the range of people available to speak to if you are feeling low. Further information is available at bbc.co.uk/ceisteanlara.
Mun a' phrògraim seo
Lara is homesick and her friends don't seem to be able to cheer her up. When she initially tries to talk to them they don't really listen to her. Eventually the friends learn that sometimes people just need someone to talk to when they are down.
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