Episode 1
·¡Ã²°ù±è²¹ is back with a new series examining important stories from across Europe. This programme features a special report on murder in the islands - the Liam Aitchison story.
Tha ·¡Ã²°ù±è²¹ a' tilleadh le sreath ùr a' coimhead air na sgeulachdan as cudromaiche bho air feadh na Roinn ·¡Ã²°ù±è²¹. As a' chiad phrògram bidh aithisg sònraichte mu mhurt anns an h-Eileanan - sgeulachd Liam Aitchison
·¡Ã²°ù±è²¹ is back with a new series examining the most important stories from across Europe. This first programme features a special report on murder in the islands - the Liam Aitchison story.
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Sgeulachd Liam Aitchison
Duration: 01:22
Sgeulachd Liam Aitchison

Dh’uabhasaich murt Liam Aitchison coimhearsnachd is dh’fhà g e teaghlach às aonais mac is brà thair nach fhaigh iad air ais gu brà th. Thachair e anns na h-Eileanan an Iar – à ite far nach do thachair murt bho chaidh Mà iri NicChoinnich, a bha 80 bliadhna a dh’aois, a mhurt san taigh aice, ann am Brù, ann a 1968. Dh’fhà g Liam a dhachaigh ann an Uibhist, aig aois 16, is ghluais e a Steòrnabhagh far an robh dùil aige obair fhaighinn air bà taichean iasgaich. ‘S ann an sin a choinnich e ris an dithis a mhurt e, Ionatan MacFhionghain is Stefan Millar, a bha iad fhèin nan iasgairean.
Tha an sreath ùr de dh’·¡Ã²°ù±è²¹ a’ tòiseachadh le bhith a’ leantainn mar a ghluais Liam a Steòrnabhagh, ciamar a fhuair e a bhà s, is cuideachd cùis mhuirt MhicFhionghain is Millar ann an Àrd-Chùirt Ghlaschu. Le bhith a’ bruidhinn ri teaghlach Liam a bharrachd air luchd-fianais, is poilis Steòrnabhaigh, tha ·¡Ã²°ù±è²¹ ag innse mun chiad mhurt anns na h-Eileanan an Iar ann an còrr is 40 bliadhna.
The Liam Aitchison Story

The murder of island teenager Liam Aitchison shocked a community and left a family without a son and brother. All the more shocking was that Liam was killed in the Western Isles – somewhere that hasn’t witnessed a murder since 80-year-old Mary MacKenzie was killed at her home, in Brue, in 1968. Liam left his home in Uist in 2011, aged 16, and moved up to Stornoway where he hoped to find a job on a fishing boat. It was there he met his eventual killers Jonathan MacKinnon and Stefan Millar who were themselves fishermen.
The new series of ·¡Ã²°ù±è²¹ begins by following Liam’s move to Stornoway, examining the circumstances surrounding his death, and reflects back on the trial for murder of the accused MacKinnon and Millar in Glasgow’s High Court. Speaking to Liam’s family as well as witnesses at the trial and Stornoway police, ·¡Ã²°ù±è²¹ tells the story of the tragic events surrounding the Western Isles’ first murder in over 40 years.
Role | Contributor |
Producer | Rebecca MacLennan |
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