The friends have to give a presentation to the class. Lara is nervous about speaking in public, but Deon is even more worried due to his voice breaking.
Tha aig na caraidean ri taisbeanadh a dhèanamh dhan chlas. Tha Lara nearbhach co-dhiù mu bhith bruidhinn air beulaibh dhaoine, ach tha Deon nas miosa buileach chionns gu bheil a ghuth a' briseadh aig na h-amannan as miosa. Gabhaidh am prògram seo a chleachdadh le pà rantan no le tidsearan airson còmhradh a bhrosnachadh mu na h-atharraichean corporra a tha tighinn an cois inbhidheachd. Tha e cuideachd feumail airson còmhraidhean a thòiseachadh mu mhisneachd agus faighinn thairis air a bhith nearbhach. Tha notaichean tidseir rim faighinn aig bbc.co.uk/ceisteanlara.
The friends have to give a presentation to the class. Lara is already nervous about speaking in public, but Deon is even more worried due to his voice breaking at the most unfortunate of times.
This episode can be used by parents or by teachers to generate discussion about physical changes in puberty. It is also useful in approaching discussions about confidence and overcoming nerves. Further information is available at bbc.co.uk/ceisteanlara.
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Coimhead Misneachd
Prògram 15 - Misneachd / Episode 15 - Tough Break
Tidsearan & PÃ rantan
This episode can be used by parents or by teachers to generate discussion about physical changes in puberty. It is also useful in approaching discussions about confidence and overcoming nerves. Further information is available at bbc.co.uk/ceisteanlara.
Mun a' phrògraim seo
The friends have to give a presentation to the class. Lara is already nervous about speaking in public, but Deon is even more worried due to his voice breaking at the most unfortunate of times.
Anns a’ Chlas
Faodar am prògram seo a chleachdadh airson còmhradh a bhrosnachadh mu na h-atharraichean corporra a tha tighinn an cois inbhidheachd. Tha e cuideachd feumail airson còmhraidhean a thòiseachadh mu mhisneachd agus faighinn thairis air a bhith nearbhach.
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