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In this programme, Derek and Megan are decorating the studio to create an exciting festive atmosphere, as well as taking a look back at some D猫 a-nis? pantos from past years.
Seachdain ron Nollaig agus tha Megan agus Derek a' sgeadachadh an sti霉idio agus iad a gabhail s霉il air ais air na diofar Pantos a tha air a bhith air D猫 a-nis thairis air na bliadhnaichean. Bidh laoidhean Nollaig againn cuideachd a chuireas a h-uile duine ann an deagh shund.
Derek and Megan are decorating the studio creating an exciting festive atmosphere. They also take a look back at some of the D猫 a-nis? Pantos from previous years and there will be some Christmas carols to put everyone in the mood.
Last on
Sat 21 Dec 2013