Documentary on the remote town of Sapa, which lies in the highlands of north Vietnam. Sapa is home to a mosaic of colourful hill tribes and opened to tourism in the late 1990s.
Ann an sg矛rean 脿rda ceann a-tuath Vietnam, tha baile iomallach Sapa, far a bheil diofar threubhan dathach a' fuireach. Th貌isich luchd-turais a' tighinn gu Sapa anns na naochadan, agus an-diugh, tha timcheall air d脿 cheud nighean eadar seachd is ochd-deug bliadhna a dh'aois, a' d猫anamh bith-be貌 bho a bhith a' reic na h-obrach-gr猫ise aca air na sr脿idean.
Tha a' chlann-nighean be貌thail agus comasach, agus tha miann aca air beatha nas fhe脿rr na th' aca. Ach ciamar a sheasas iad ris an leum bho chultar treubhach iomallach gu a bhith be貌 ann an 脌isia san aonamh-linn-air fhichead.
In the highlands of north Vietnam lies the remote town of Sapa, home to a mosaic of colourful hill tribes. Sapa opened to tourism in the late 1990s and now roughly 200 hill tribe girls aged seven to eighteen live independently on the streets of Sapa to sell embroidery.
The girls are savvy, street smart and dream of life beyond selling souvenirs, but how will they survive the leap from remote tribal culture to 21st-century Asia?