Episode 1
In this first programme of the new series, Donald Morrison is in conversation with Cathy Ann MacPhee.
Ann an sreath 霉r de Thuige Seo bidh D貌mhnall Moireasdan a' c貌mhradh ri G脿idheil chli霉teach.
Cluinnear bho Chatriona Anna Nic a' Ph矛 mu a beatha mar sheinneadair, bho an t-e貌laiche-inntinn D貌mhnall Macle貌id mu obair an luib mhuirtearan, agus bidh Agnes Rennie a' bruidhinn air a feallsanachd mu leasachadh coimhearsnachd agus c脿nan.
Gheibhear iomradh bho Fhionnlagh M Macle貌id mu bheatha a' brosnachadh na G脿idhlig agus bho Iain Aonghas Macaoidh mu bheatha ann an seirbheis phoblach. Cluinnear mun t-saoghal a th' aig Donaidh 'Large' Macdh貌mhnaill ann an California agus, nas fhaisge air an taigh, mu cho cudromach sa tha coimhearsnachd do Mharisa Dh貌mhnallach.
Bidh Maighread Sti霉bhart a' m矛neachadh an d脿imh a th' aice ri a dualchas fh猫in agus gheibh sinn a-mach d猫 tha gluasad Mhaoilis Chaimbeul gu b脿rdachd. Agus cluinnear bho Chailean MhicGilleathain mu bhith a' rannsachadh f矛on ann am Bordeaux!
In a new series of Thuige Seo, Donald Morrison will be in conversation with eminent Gaels. In this first programme, Cathy Ann MacPhee talks about her life as a singer and actor.
Other guests in the series feature psychologist Donald Macleod, as he recollects his work with psycopaths and murderers, Agnes Rennie, talking about her ideas on community and cultural development, and John Angus Mackay discussing his life of public service.
Singer Donnie 'Large' Macdonald explains why he left Scotland for sunny California, while, closer to home, Marisa MacDonald talks about the importance to her of her own community.
Margaret Stewart talks about her deep attachment to Gaelic culture, whilst, Myles Campbell explains what inspires his poetry and Cailean Maclean discusses photography and wine.
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C貌 am Prionnsa ris an do choinnich Catr矛ona Anna Nic a' Ph矛?
Duration: 01:58
Role | Contributor |
Presenter | Donald Morrison |
Interviewed Guest | Cathy-Ann MacPhee |