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An Island Practice/Sl脿inte na Sg矛re

Episode 9 of 18

Documentary on one of Scotland's smallest medical practices, Leverburgh Surgery, and the two contrasting doctors that keep it running.

Na dheise ghrinn agus br貌gan gleansach, abair sealladh air monadh nan Eilean an Iar. Le a bhaga meidigeach, 's e a' gabhail s矛os rathad garbh croit, dh'fhaodadh tu smaointinn gun robh thu a' coimhead air Dr Finlay's Casebook.

Ach tha an Dtr Andrew Naylor, aon de na dotairean mu dheireadh ann an Alba a tha ag obair nan aonar, a cheart cho aithnichte anns na Hearadh 's a tha croitearan, iasgairean agus teaghlaichean na sg矛re.

'S gun ach beagan is 500 euslainteach cl脿raichte aca, 's e Ionad-dhotair an t-脪ib, nach ruig thu ach air a' mhuir no air rathad cumhang tro bheanntan, aon de na ionadan-dotair as lugha ann an Alba. Ach 's e obair gun sgur a th' ann dhan dotair solta, agus a cho-obraiche beothail, an Dtr D貌mhnall Iain Moireach a tha a roinn 霉ine eadar croitearachd agus dotaireachd, agus a bhios ag obair uair sa mh矛os.

Bheir Trusadh - Sl脿inte na Sg矛re g脿ire ort, agus d霉sgaidh e cuimhneachain bho linn eile is sinn a' cur seachad m矛os no dh脿 leis an dithis eadar-dhealaichte seo, 's iad ag obair gu d矛cheallach aig cridhe coimhearsnachd a tha iomallach ach gu math inntinneach.

Dr Andrew Naylor is one of Scotland's last single-handed doctors, and is as much a part of the Isle of Harris landscape as the local crofters, fishermen and families. With a patient roll of just over 500, Leverburgh Surgery, tucked between the South Harris mountains and the sea, is among Scotland's tiniest practices.

However, it is a round-the-clock job for the gentle mannered physician, and his gregarious half-doctor, half-crofter colleague, Dr Donald John Murray, who covers once a month. Humorous, touching and nostalgic, Trusadh - An Island Practice spends a season with these contrasting medical men, their assistant Kathleen and the colourful surrounding community.

1 hour
