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Episode 8
Episode 8 of 9
The second day of the 2013 International Sheepdog Trials, from Stoneleigh Park, Warwickshire. The successful competitors will make it through to the final day of the competition.
An dà rna latha bho'n Fharpais Chon-Chaorach Eadar-Nà iseanta aig Pà irce Stoneleigh, Siorrachd Warwick. Gheibh sinn a-mach cò tha a' dol troimhe chun an latha mu dheireadh!
The second day of the 2013 International Sheepdog Trials, from Stoneleigh Park, Warwickshire. The successful competitors will make it through to the final day of the competition.
Last on
Sun 2 Mar 2014
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