Episode 2
Iain MacInnes visits Glasgow, Inverness and Aberdeen, seeking answers to the big economic questions which are at the heart of the Scottish independence debate.
Tadhlaidh Iain MacAonghais air Glaschu, Inbhir Nis, agus Obar Dheathain a' sireadh freagairtean s矛mplidh do na ceistean m貌ra eaconomach - cuspair a th'aig cridhe an deasbaid mu neo-eisimileachd. Bruidhnidh e ri e貌laichean agus luchd-iomairt gus faighinn a-mach c脿ite a bheil Alba ann an cl脿r eaconomach na cruinne, agus d猫 se貌rsa buaidh a dh'fhaodadh neo-eisimileachd a thoirt oirre.
Do dhuine sam bith le morgaids, peinnsean no airgead sa bhanca bheir am pr貌gram seo sealladh nas soilleire air suidheachadh na h-Alba an dr脿sta agus san 脿m ri teachd.
In the second documentary in the Rathad an Referendum series, Iain MacInnes visits Glasgow, Inverness and Aberdeen, seeking answers to the big economic questions which are at the heart of the Scottish independence debate.
For anyone with a mortgage, pension or money in the bank, this is compelling viewing as Iain seeks to clarify Scotland's economic place now and in the future.