An Taobh An Iar/West
A selection of some of the interesting and unusual stories from the west of Scotland, originally transmitted on the ´óÏó´«Ã½ TV series Nationwide.
Bha am prògram telebhisean Nationwide ri fhaicinn air ´óÏó´«Ã½ a h-Aon gach oidhche seachdaineach aig tìde na teatha bho naoi ceud deug seasgad sa naoi gus an tà ining an t-sreath gu crìch ann an ochdad sa trì.
Gach oidhche bhiodh na milleannan air feadh Bhreatainn ga choimhead air dà adhbhar: bha e a' leantainn naidheachdan an fheasgair agus bha aithrisean a' nochdadh às gach cearnaidh dhen Rìoghachd Aonaichte - cha robh e gu diofar cà ite robh thu a' fuireach, bha cinnt gum biodh sgeulachd air choireigin às an sgìre agad fhèin a' nochdadh uaireigin.
Chan fhacas mòran de na h-aithrisean ach an aon uair agus anns a' phrògram seo, tha Alasdair Friseal a' taghadh cuid de na sgeulachdan as inntinniche agus is dòcha as annasaiche a chunnacas bho air feadh taobh an iar na h-Alba.
Nationwide was the ´óÏó´«Ã½'s long-running news and current affairs show which was broadcast on ´óÏó´«Ã½ One Television from September 1969 to August 1983. It was a magazine show with a remit to cover regional stories across the whole of the United Kingdom.
During these years, the team of reporters regularly visited Scotland to bring viewers a wide variety of local and national stories - from the serious to the light-hearted and entertaining. Many of these stories have only been seen once and ´óÏó´«Ã½ ALBA is offering viewers the opportunity to see some of the best of Nationwide's Scottish content.
´óÏó´«Ã½ News journalist Alasdair Fraser presents a selection of stories from the east, west and the islands of Scotland. In this first programme Alasdair focuses on the west and his highlights include droving cattle 200 miles from Skye to Crieff, an insight into the work of Glasgow's Air Ambulance Service and why Ballachulish was regarded by some as the dirtiest village in Scotland in 1973.
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