Documentary examining the life of the last of the Kyrgyz nomads, who have found security and peace after much turmoil.
Tha am fiolm seo a' faighinn sealladh air na h-inilteirean Kyrgyz mu dheireadh ann am Pamir Afghanistan. Glaiste eadar tr矛 cr矛ochan, tha iad iar a bhith tro ghort, tro fhuadach, tro chogadh agus tro gheur-leanmhainn.
Chan eil s脿bhailteachd is fois ri fhaighinn dhaibh ach ann an doimhneachdan falaichte 脌isia. A dh'aindeoin f矛or dhuilgheadasan an fhearainn, tha iad seo a' d猫anamh a' ch霉is agus a' gl猫idheil nan d貌ighean-beatha traidiseanta aca.
This documentary captures the life of the last Kyrgyz nomads of the Afghan Pamir. Imprisoned between three borders, they have experienced famine, exile, war and persecution.
The only place where they have found security and peace is the hidden depths of Central Asia. Despite the hardships and extremely inhospitable terrain, these people have managed to survive and maintain their traditional way of life against all odds.
Last on
Seo na tha air fh脿gail de na Kyrgyzes ann an Afganastain
Duration: 01:45