Relive some of the stories hitting the headlines in 1997 through archive footage and chart hits. A general election brings sweeping parliamentary changes across the United Kingdom.
Sealladh air na sgeulachdan a bh' anns na naidheachdan ann an 1997 cuide ri taghadh de che貌l na bliadhna.
Am measg na thachair: dh'adhbharaich Taghadh P脿rlamaid atharrachaidhean m貌ra air feadh na d霉thcha; bha gluasad m貌r eile ann an saoghal saidheans nuair a rugadh Dolly a' chaora; agus bha clann a' leughadh a' chiad leabhar aig 霉ghdar 霉r, J K Rowling. Am measg nan taghaidhean ci霉il tha na Spice Girls le Spice Up Your Life, No Doubt le Don't Speak agus Texas le Say What You Want.
Experience some of the stories hitting the headlines in 1997 through archive footage and the year's chart hits: a general election brought sweeping parliamentary changes across the United Kingdom; scientific innovation at the Roslin Institute when Dolly the Sheep was born; and children across the country were reading a book written by a newly-published author, J K Rowling.
The year's chart hits include Spice Girls with Spice Up Your Life, No Doubt with Don't Speak and Texas with Say What You Want.
Last on
Rabhadh aig David Icke do mhuinntir Arainn
Duration: 01:28
Taigh-circe rudeigin neo 脿bhaisteach!
Duration: 01:21
Music Played
The Cardigans
Shola Ama
You Might Need Somebody
Say What You Want
Spice Girls
Spice Up Your Life
R. Kelly
I Believe I Can Fly
All Saints
Never Ever
The Chemical Brothers
Block Rockin' Beats
Sarah Brightman & Andrea Bocelli
Time to Say Goodbye (Con Te Partir貌)
Elton John
Candle In The Wind (1997 Version)
Natalie Imbruglia
Freed From Desire (Original Radio Mix Edit)
Ultra Nat茅
You're Not Alone
No Doubt
Don't Speak