Nabaidhean mu dheas
Anna MacLeod examines the possible effects that the Scottish Independence referendum may have on England.
Bidh Anna NicLe貌id a' siubhal tro Shasainn, bhon iar-thuath gu Lunainn, gus beachdachadh air a'bhuaidh a bhios aig an referendum air neo-eisimeileachd do dh'Alba air na n脿baidhean as fhaisge oirnn gu deas. An toireadh neo-eisimeileachd cothroman neo d霉bhlain don sg矛re timcheall a' Chaisteal Nuaidh, agus d猫 thachras do chumhachd Lunainn gu h-eadar-naiseanta ma dh'fhalbhas Alba.
Anna MacLeod travels through England, from the North East to London, to discover the possible effects of the Scottish Independence referendum on our neighbours to the south. What impact would independence have on the north east economy and what impact would it have to London's place on the world stage if Scotland were to leave the United Kingdom.