Ce貌l, sp貌rs agus fealla-dh脿 air ur slighe dhachaigh c貌mhla ri Derek 'Pluto' Moireach. Derek Murray takes you home with the latest sports news, music and craic. 08000 967050.
Ce貌l, sp貌rs agus fealla-dh脿 air ur slighe dhachaigh c貌mhla ri Derek 'Pluto' Moireach. Gach oidhche Chiadain, bi Derek a' dol tron aibidil a' coimhead air c貌mhlain agus neach-ci霉il a chl脿r 貌ran nach deach a-riamh a chuir mu sgaoil mar 貌ran singilte. A-nochd, c貌mhlain neo seinneadairean le ainm a' t貌iseachadh leis an litir 'W'. Ma tha beachd sam bith agaibh p猫in, f脿gaibh teachdaireachd air an l脿rach facebook, sgr矛obhaibh post-dealain gu pluto@bbc.co.uk no f貌naibh an asgaidh air 08000 967050.
Derek 'Pluto' Murray takes you home with the latest news, music and craic. For the past few weeks, Derek has been going through the alphabet looking at bands and performers who have recorded stand out tracks that were never released as singles. Tonight Derek is looking for suggestions of songs which were recorded by musicians whose name starts with the letter 'W'. Get in touch via our Facebook page, email us at pluto@bbc.co.uk or contact us on the free phone at 08000 967050.
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- Wed 16 Jul 2014 17:30大象传媒 Radio nan G脿idheal
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