Documentary following Phillippe Croizon, who along with his friend, long distance swimmer Arnaud Chassery, is attempting to swim across four straits joining the five continents.
Dh' fhulaing Phillippe Croizon tubaist uabhasach far an do chaill e a gh脿irdeanan agus a chasan, ach on 脿m sin, tha e air misneachd a thoirt dha na m矛ltean de dhaoine leis na d霉bhlanan sn脿imh aige.
Tha d霉il aige a-nise, c貌mhla ri a charaid Arnaud Chassery, sn脿mhadair m貌r-astar, sn脿mh tarsainn air ceithir caolasan a tha a' ceangal nan c貌ig m貌r-th矛rean. Euchd air leth, agus air a ch霉l, tha an aon iarrtas airson d脿n-thachartas, an aon spiorad l脿idir a tha a' toirt daoine c貌mhla air feadh an t-saoghail.
After suffering an horrific accident which resulted in the amputation of his arms and legs, Phillippe Croizon has inspired thousands with his swimming challenges.
Now, with his friend Arnaud Chassery, a long distance swimmer, his latest challenge is to swim across four straits joining the five continents. A human achievement driven by the same thirst for adventure and fighting spirit which celebrates the universal values of solidarity and equality.
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Feumaidh an dithis aca a dhol thairis air na comasan aca
Duration: 02:09