A look at the week's main topics in the Referendum debate, featuring a weekly guest to review the referendum stories in the Sunday newspapers.
Le fear-naidheachd poileataigeach bidh sinn a' toirt s霉il air pr矛omh sgeulachd Referendum an l脿. Bidh neach-aithris air aoigheachd againn a' coimhead air mar a tha na p脿ipearan-naidheachd S脿baid ann an Alba agus Sasainn a' d猫iligeadh ri naidheachdan a thaobh deasbad an referendum.
Gach seachdain cuideachd bidh sinn a' tadhail air diofar sg矛rean air feadh na d霉thcha bho Nis gu 脤le, gu D霉n 脠ideann a' bruidhinn ri G脿idheil 'son na beachdan aca fhaighinn a thaobh an referendum.
With one of our Political Reporters we'll look at the main referendum story of the day. We'll have a guest with us each week to review the Scottish and English Sunday newspapers focusing on the Referendum debate.
Every week we'll also be visiting different parts of the country from Ness to Islay to Edinburgh speaking to Gaels to find out their thoughts on the Referendum.
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- Sun 17 Aug 2014 18:15