Tha litir bheag na seachdain aig Ruaraidh MacIllEathain. This week's short letter for learners is introduced by Ruaraidh MacLean.
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An Litir Bheag 486
Duration: 03:25
An Litir Bheag 486
A bheil lus ann as toigh leat gu mòr leis gu bheil fà ileadh sònraichte air? O chionn fhada, nuair a bha mi a’ fuireach ann an Tasmania, chòrd an lemon-scented boronia rium. Bha fà ileadh mar liomaid air. Gach turas a bhios mi a’ tilleadh a Thasmania, bidh mi a’ coimhead airson an luis sin. Tha e a’ toirt là ithean brèagha anns na beanntan gu mo chuimhne.
           Dè mu dheidhinn flùraichean Albannach? An do thagh sibh fhèin fear fhathast? Chan eil an ròs no lus na tùise a’ cunntadh, no rud sam bith eile a dh’fhà sas a-mhà in anns an leas. Dìreach lusan dùthchasach.
           Seo agaibh na trì a bu mhotha a chòrd rium as t-samhradh am-bliadhna. Anns a’ chiad dol a-mach, bha an roid no bog myrtle. Sin preas a dh’fhà sas air a’ mhòintich. Tha fà ileadh car geur air. Bidh e a’ fosgladh do chuinneanan. Bhiodh na seann daoine a’ cur nan duilleag ann am bobhstairean. Bha sin airson deargannan a chumail far na leapa. Tha cuid dhen bheachd gun cuir e fuath air meanbh-chuileagan.
           ’S e an dà rna lus agam – meannt an uisge. Tha e a’ coimhead brèagha. Tha duilleagan dorch-uaine air, agus flùraichean beaga purpaidh faisg air mullach nan gasan. Abair am fà ileadh a gheibh thu nuair a phronnas tu na duilleagan. Agus nithear tì bhlasta le bhith a’ goil nan duilleag ann an uisge. Tha e a cheart cho math ri tì-mheannt a gheibh thu anns na bùthan.
           Sin agaibh dà lus le fà ileadh air na duilleagan. Ach ’s e am fear as fheà rr leam lus le fà ileadh cùbhraidh air na dìtheanan. Tha e doirbh tuairisgeul a dhèanamh dhen fhà ileadh. Tha mìlseachd an ròis ann. Ach tha rudeigin de ghlainnead na giùthsaich ann cuideachd. Dhèanadh e deagh shiabann.
           Tha na flùraichean beag ach pailt, le dath an uachdair orra, agus bidh iad ann eadar an t-Iuchar agus an Lùnastal. Tha e a’ fàs ann an lèanan agus pà ircean fliucha. Tha e cumanta ann an cuid de bhailtean croitearachd. Dè tha ann? Crios Chù Chulainn no meadowsweet. Lus le dualchas sònraichte do na Gà idheil agus fà ileadh air leth.
The Little Letter 486
Is there a plant you really like because it has a special fragrance? A long time ago, when I was living in Tasmania, I liked [smelling] the lemon-scented boronia. It had a smell like a lemon. Every time I return to Tasmania, I go looking for that plant. It brings back memories of beautiful days in the mountains.
       But what about Scottish flowers? Have you chosen one yet? The rose and lavender don’t count, or anything else that only grows in the garden. Only native plants.
       Here are the three I most enjoyed during the summer this year. In the first instance, there was the roid or bog myrtle. That’s a bush that grows on [the] moorland. It has quite a sharp smell. It opens your nostrils. The old people would put the leaves in mattresses. That was to keep the fleas out of the bed. Some people reckon it repels midges.
       My second plant is water mint. It looks nice. It has dark gree leaves, and small purple flowers near the end of the stems. What a lovely smell you get when you pound the leaves. And a tasty tea is made by boiling the leaves in water. It’s just as good as [the] mint tea you get in the shops.
       That’s two plants with a smell on the leaves. But the one I like best is a plant with nice smelling flowers. It’s hard to describe the small. It has the sweetness of the rose. But there is something of the cleanliness of the pine forest as well. It would make a good soap.
       The flowers are small but plentiful, cream-coloured, and they appear between July and August. It grows in damp meadows and wet fields. It’s common in some crofting townships. What is it? Crios Chù Chulainn or meadowsweet. A plant with a special heritage for the Gaels and an amazing fragrance.Broadcast
- Mon 1 Sep 2014 19:00´óÏó´«Ã½ Radio nan Gà idheal
All the letters
Tha gach Litir Bheag an seo / All the Little Letters are here.
Podcast: An Litir Bheag
The Little Letter for Gaelic Learners
An Litir Bheag air LearnGaelic
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An Litir Bheag
Litirichean do luchd-ionnsachaidh ura. Letters in Gaelic for beginners.