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Meall Dhreagan
Episode 3 of 26
Children's animated series. Seoc believes he is being helpful when he arranges for a fake meteor to be dropped in Nico and Sam's back garden.
A' feuchainn ri bhith cuideachail, tha Seoc ag adhbharachadh fras dhreag mheallta, le dreag sonraichte a' tuiteam anns a' gharadh aig Nico 's Sam. Ge-t脿, nuair a chluinneas daoine mun tachartas seo, chan eil c霉isean buileach cho soirbh.
Seoc believes he is being helpful when he arranges for a fake meteor to be dropped in Nico and Sam's back garden. However, problems arise for the gang when news of the meteor spreads.
Last on
Thu 7 Dec 2017