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An Aileag air Rocaid
Episode 6 of 26
Children's animated series. Rocaid gets the hiccups after over-indulging and the gang must come up with a plan to cure him and get him home to Bino.
Tha Rocaid ag ithe bonnaich ghrod a tha toirt an aileag air... aileag a mhaireas suas ri deich bliadhna! Gun d貌igh fhaighinn dhan t-soitheach-speur san staid seo, feumaidh iad cuidhteas fhaighinn den aileag ma tha iad airson tilleadh gu Bino.
Having over indulged, Rocaid gets the hiccups, which could last for anything up to ten years! However, there's no way to get him into the spaceship while he is bouncing so the gang must formulate a plan to rid him of the hiccups and get him home to Bino.
Last on
Thu 14 Dec 2017