Canon Alexander Gordon and the Bishop of Moray host a thanksgiving service from St Andrew's Cathedral in Inverness. Featuring the Inverness Gaelic Choir and singer Ceitidh Smith.
Tha 脌rd Eaglais Naomh Anndra na suidheachadh air leth son an d脿rna phr貌gram dhen t-sreath. Ann am Blas 2014: Seirbheis Taingealachd, tha an Canan Alexander G貌rdan agus Easbaig Mhoireibh a' cumail seirbheis sh貌nraichte, 's tha ce貌l aig a cridhe.
Tha an tachartas spioradail seo na ph脿irt chudromach dhen fh猫is agus am measg an t脿lant am bliadhna tha C貌isir Gh脿idhlig Inbhir Nis agus an guth 脿lainn aig Ceitidh Nic a' Ghobhainn.
St Andrew's Cathedral in Inverness is the magnificent setting for the second programme. In Blas 2014: Seirbheis Taingealachd, Canon Alexander Gordon and the Bishop of Moray host a thanksgiving service.
This spiritual event has become an important part of the festival and this year includes the talent of the Inverness Gaelic Choir and the beautiful voice of singer Ceitidh Smith.
Last on
- Sun 2 Nov 2014 21:00