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B脿thadh no Sn脿mh
Episode 21 of 26
Children's animated series. Seoc must rescue a piece of space machinery from the ocean floor. The pressure is on however, as spectators appear overhead.
Feumaidh Seoc ionnsachadh mu ciamar a bhios rudan a' fle貌dradh sa mhuir 's aige ri inneal-f脿nais a thogail bho grunnd na mara. Ge-t脿, tha 猫iginn a bharrachd ann 's luchd-amharc a' siubhal nan speuran.
Seoc must discover the science behind floating and sinking as he attempts to rescue a piece of space machinery from the ocean floor. The pressure is on however, as spectators appear overhead.
Last on
Thu 19 Apr 2018