Episode 2
Second of a three-part documentary series on 23-year-old Glasgow student and humanitarian Gemma Steele. In this programme, Gemma relives the 2012 break-in at St Jerome's.
An d脿rna p脿irt de sreath de thr矛 ph脿irtean - sealladh togarrach mun bhoireannach 貌g dhaonnachdail, Gemma Steele. Tha Gemma ag ath-innse mar a bhris buidheann de mh猫irlich le machetes a-steach gu St Jerome's - an taigh dh矛lleachdan a st猫idhich i ann an Kenya . Ghoid iad dad a bha luachmhor agus t貌rr airgid.
B' e tachartas a bha seo a dh' atharraich t貌rr, agus le tabhartas airgid a' taomadh a-steach, gu s貌nraichte an toiseach bho a h-eilean 脿raich, Uibhist a Deas, cho-dh霉in Gemma taigh dh矛lleachdan 霉r agus nas motha a thogail ann an 脿ite nas s脿bhailte. Leanaidh sinn Gemma agus an togail aig 矛re gu math adhartach.
In the second of a three-part series profiling young humanitarian Gemma Steele, Gemma relives the break-in in 2012 by a machete gang at St Jerome's - the orphanage she set up in Kenya. The gang robbed them of all money and valuables.
This proved to be a catalyst for change, and with donations of help flooding in, in particular initially from her home island of South Uist, Gemma decided to build a new and bigger orphanage in a safer area. We follow her with the new build well underway.