Tha litir bheag na seachdain aig Ruaraidh MacIllEathain a' coimhead air faclan a thaobh deoch là idir. The week's short letter for learners is introduced by Ruaraidh MacLean.
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Litir do Luchd-ionnsachaidh 810
An Litir Bheag 506
Duration: 03:43
An Litir bheag 506
As t-fhoghar an-uiridh, bha mi ann an Argos. Chan eil mi a’ ciallachadh bùth Argos ann an Inbhir Nis. Bha mi air là ithean-saora anns a’ Ghrèig. Agus chaidh mi tro bhaile air an robh Argos mar ainm.
           Bha mi a’ smaoineachadh gun robh e car èibhinn. Cha do thuig mi gu bheil ceangal ann eadar am baile Greugach agus a’ bhùth. Bha an duine a chuir a’ bhùth air chois air là ithean-saora anns a’ Ghrèig. Thà inig an smuain thuige mu ainm na bùtha. Bha e ann an Argos aig an à m.
           Tha am baile anns an sgìre ris an canar am Peloponnese. ’S e leth-eilean a tha ann. Tha e don iar-dheas air Baile na h-Àithne. Bha mi a’ seòladh eadar bailtean-puirt. Nam measg, bha Epidavros. ’S e baile beag brèagha a tha ann. Tha e suidhichte air a’ chladach aig ceann sà ilean. Aig aon à m, ge-tà , bha baile leis an aon ainm còig mìle air falbh, taobh a-staigh na dùthcha. Bha e ainmeil air feadh saoghal nan Greugach.
           Cha robh à ite na bu chudromaiche airson leigheas anns an t-saoghal chlasaigeach. Bha e stèidhichte faisg air à ite-breith mac Apollo, Asklepios. Anns a’ cheathramh agus treas ceud ro Chrìosd, bha na mìltean mòr’ a’ dol ann airson leigheas. Agus airson fèilltean-ealain, spòrs, marsantachd is suirghe.
           Tha taigh-cluiche iongantach ann. Ghabhadh e ceithir mìle deug duine. Tha e ann an staid cho math ’s gum bi e air a chleachdadh chun an latha an-diugh.
           Sheas mi anns an à ite far am bi na cluicheadairean a’ seasamh. Bha a’ bhean agam anns an t-sreath shuidheachan a b’ à irde. Bha e furasta dhuinn bruidhinn ri chèile. Bha an fhuaimearrachd – no acoustics – iongantach math.
           ‘Gabh òran Gà idhlig,’ thuirt i. Ghabh mi sèist de ‘Fear a’ Bhà ta’ ann an guth socair. Chuala i a h-uile facal gu furasta. ’S iomadh rud a thachair ann an Epidavros thairis air dà mhìle gu leth bliadhna. Ach tha amharas agam gum b’ e sin a chiad turas a bha ‘Fear a’ Bhà ta’ air a sheinn ann. Goirid an dèidh sin, leig mi soraidh slà n le Epidavros. Agus dh’fhalbh mi – ann am bà ta.
The Little Letter 506
In autumn last year, I was in Argos. I don’t mean the Argos shop in Inverness. I was on holiday in Greece. And I went through a town called Argos.
       I thought it was quite amusing. I didn’t understand that there is a link between the Greek town and the shop. The man who established the shop was on holiday in Greece. The thought came to him of the shop’s name. He was in Argos at the time.
       The town is in an area called the Peloponnese. It’s a peninsula. It’s south west of Athens. I was sailing between ports. Among them was Epidavros. It’s an attractive little town. It’s situated on the shore at the end of an inlet. At one time, however, there was a town of the same name five miles away, inland. It was famous throughout the world of the Greeks.
       There was no more important place for healing in the classical world. It was situated near the birthplace of Asklepios, Apollo’s son. In the fourth and third centuries BC, many thousands would go there to be healed. And for festivals, fun, trading and courtship.
       There is an amazing amphitheatre there. It holds fourteen thousand people. It’s in such good condition that it is still used to this day.
       I stood in the place where the actors stand. My wife was in the highest row of seats. It was easy for us to talk to each other. The acoustics were amazingly good.
       ‘Sing a Gaelic song,’ she said. I sang a chorus of ‘Fear a’ Bhà ta (The Boatman)’ in a soft voice. She easily heard every word. Many a thing has happened in Epidavros over two and a half millennia. But I suspect that was the first time that ‘Fear a’ Bhà ta’ was sung there. Shortly after that, I bade farewell to Epidavros. And I left – in a boat.ÂBroadcast
- Mon 19 Jan 2015 19:00´óÏó´«Ã½ Radio nan Gà idheal
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The Little Letter for Gaelic Learners
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An Litir Bheag
Litirichean do luchd-ionnsachaidh ura. Letters in Gaelic for beginners.