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Botal de Fhortan
Children's animated series. When old lady bottles people's luck in order to sell it back to them at a high price, Robin must teach them that luck cannot be bought.
Nuair a chuireas chailleach an cuid 'fortan' ann am botail, tha muinntir a' bhaile den bheachd g' eil gach n矛 dol cearr 's iad de貌nach na thug iad seachad a cheannach air ais aig pr矛s f矛or 脿rd. Feumaidh Robin ionnsachadh dhaibh nach gabh 'fortan' a cheannach.
When an old lady bottles their luck, the villagers are convinced that this is the cause of their misfortune and agree to buying back these bottles at an exorbitant price. Robin must teach them that luck is not something that can be bought.
Last on
Sun 23 Jul 2017