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Episode 5
Episode 5 of 6
Documentary series taking a look inside the world of Irish dancing. In this episode, dancer Lauren Smyth makes her debut as Riverdance lead in her home town of Belfast.
Tilleadh gu Bun-fhreumhan - tha Lauren Smyth aghaidh nam F猫illean - dualchas nach eil ri fhaighinn ach ann an Ulaidh. A dh'aindeoin 's na bha na h-aghaidh, tha i a' coileanadh miann a th' air a bhith aice o bha i na nighean 貌g - a bhith na pr矛omh dhannsair ann an Riverdance ann am Beul-feirste, am baile aice fh猫in.
Lauren Smyth is the poster girl for the for the Festival dance tradition which exists only in Ulster and prizes simplicity of dress and style. Against the odds she fulfills her childhood dream as she makes her debut as Riverdance lead in her home town of Belfast.
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Mon 2 Mar 2015