Documentary telling the story of the U455, a submarine that sunk during World War II and lay undiscovered for more than sixty years.
AS t-Samhradh 2005, chaidh b脿ta-aigeil a lorg far chosta na h-Eadailt, 120 meatair bhon uachdar. 'S e sealladh iongantach a th 'ann dha Lorenzo del Veneziano, a tha na arc-e貌laiche mara. Tha am b脿ta-aigeil fhathast sl脿n!
Tha i an 矛re mhath na seasamh d矛reach aig bonn na mara, an slige steicte sa pholl. D猫 an sgeulachd a th' aig an t-soitheach? Agus carson a tha i an seo?
Gheibh sinn air an sgeulachd fhosgladh a-mach le a bhith a' dol air adhart gu sgeulachd iongantach U-455, b脿ta-cogaidh Gearmailteach a ghabh p脿irt sa h-uile cath mara tron chogadh, eadar am Muir Baltic, chun a' Chuain Siar agus mu dheireadh sa Chuan Eadar-mheadhanach, far a bheil i a-nise na t脿mh. Rannsachadh annasach is inntinneach fon uisge gus sgeulachd an t-soithich innse.
In Summer 2005, a mysterious submarine is discovered off the coast of Italy at 120 metres deep. For Lorenzo del Veneziano, an underwater marine archeologist, it is an amazing sight. The submarine is intact! It stands almost vertically at the bottom of the sea, it's hull stuck in the sediment. What is the story of this ship, why is it here?
By uncovering the mystery of its origins we will retrace the incredible story of U-455, a German warship that fought every marine battle against the Allies, from the Baltic Sea, to the Atlantic and then finally the Mediterranean where it now rests. An extraordinary underwater adventure and an ambitious historical investigation.
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Tha iomadh ceist an l霉ib an t-soitheach seo
Duration: 01:25