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Sg猫ith Phrionnsail
Children's animated series. When the prince discovers that Tuck and Trevor have built a machine enabling them to fly, he steals it and throws Trevor in jail.
Tha Tuck 's Trevor air inneal a thogail a' leigeas leotha sg猫ith, ach nuair a chluinneas am Prionns' mun a-seo tha e airson an urram seo a ghleidheadh dha fh猫in 's e a' goid an inneal 's a' cur Trevor dhan phr矛osan. Feumaidh Robin 's cach a stad.
Tuck and Trevor have built a machine that will let them fly. However, when the prince gets wind of such a thing, he wants that glory all for himself and so steals the machine and throws Trevor in jail. It is up to Robin and the gang to stop him.
Last on
Sun 27 Aug 2017