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Preas-Bidh a' Phrionns'
Children's animated series. The prince is throwing himself a party with a banquet using food stolen from the village.
Tha partaidh gu bhith aig a' Phrionns 's e airson bangaid a chur air d貌igh le biadh a ghoid e bho muinntir a' bhaile. Tha Robin 's a charaidean ag obair gu cruaidh son am biadh a thilleadh ach tha an Siorraidh 's Flynn a' cur bacadh orra.
The prince is throwing a party in his own honour and plans to have a banquet, prepared from stocks stolen from the village. Robin and the gang are determined to get the food back but are thwarted by the sheriff and his dog Flynn.
Last on
Sun 10 Sep 2017