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A' Taghadh Ceannard
Children's animated series. The friends have worked hard to build an Indian village, but there is an argument about who should be the village chief.
Tha na caraidean uile ag obair c貌mhla airson baile beag t霉sanach a thogail sa choille. Ge-t脿 tha aimhreit ann mu c貌 bu choir a bhith nan ceannard. Feumaidh Flapair toirt orra faicinn g' eil e nas fhear bhith ag obair mar sgioba co-ionnan.
The woodland friends have been working hard to build an Indian village. However, an argument breaks out about who should be the village chief. Flapair tries to show them that it is much better to work as a team of equals.
Last on
Sun 12 Jun 2016