Call You and Yours: Do you think it's time to ask cyclists to take a test before they're allowed on the roads?
Is it time to ask cyclists to take a test before they're allowed on the the roads? Should they have insurance?
On today's Call You and Yours we're talking about cycling. Do you think it's time to ask cyclists to take a test before they're allowed on the the roads? Should they have insurance like everyone else?
Perhaps you saw the figures from yesterday's road safety reports about major injuries to cyclists rising by a third in five years. What to you think - is it time to change the rules for cyclists?
Meanwhile Chris Boardman has called for stricter liability for motorists in accidents involving vulnerable road users, to protect pedestrians and cyclists.
Cyclist casualties have risen in recent years as the amount of cycling has increased. The latest figures show that over 19,000 cyclists were killed or injured in reported road accidents in 2013.
What's your experience on the pavement or road? Are you a cyclist who has been in an accident? Or are you a pedestrian or motorist who's been in an accident caused by a cyclist?
Email us with your stories and join Winifred Robinson at 1215.
Producer: Maire Devine
Editor: Chas Watkin.