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Am Prionnsa Gaisgeil
Children's animated series. To win popularity and fleece the villagers, the prince bribes the brigands so that they agree to be captured.
Gus cli霉 a chosnadh 's airgead a chruinneachadh, tha am Prionns' a' tabhann br矛b dha na m猫irlich gus leigeil leis an cur an greim. Ge-t脿, tha Robin a' cur stad air a mhealladh 's a' toirt air a' Phrionns 貌ir a thoirt seachad do mhuinntir a' bhaile
To win popularity and fleece the villagers, the prince bribes the brigands so that they agree to be captured. However, Robin thwarts the scam and forces the prince to distribute some of his gold on pain of being unmasked and made to look a fool!
Last on
Fri 28 Oct 2016