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An Obraiche-mhiotailt
Children's series. The prince is trying to turn lead into gold and has all his toxic waste dumped into the river. Robin and his friends trick the prince.
Tha am Prionnsa a' feuchainn ri 貌ir a dh猫anamh 脿 luaidhe 's e d貌rtadh a chuid sgudal dhan abhainn. Mothachail gu bheil e cur an 脿rainneachd ann an cunnart, tha Robin 's a charaidean a toirt a char 脿s a' Phrionns gus an cur e a phlana gu aon taobh.
The prince is trying to turn lead into gold and has all his toxic waste dumped into the river. Aware of the threat that the prince is again imposing on the environment, Robin and his friends trick the prince, who abandons his experiments.
Last on
Fri 4 Nov 2016