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Aon Chleas ro Fhada
Children's series. Scarlett and Matilda play a trick on the prince and are sent packing, but Robin won't let them leave without taking some action.
脌s d猫idh cleas a chluich air a' Phrionns', tha Scarlett 's Matilda a' faighinn an t-sitig. Ge-t脿, chan eil Robin gus leigeil leotha f脿gail gun str矛 's mar thoradh tha am buidheann ag obair gus dearbhadh nach d猫an an Siorraidh a' ch霉is sa chidsin.
After playing a trick on the prince, Scarlett and Matilda are sent packing. However, Robin has no intention of letting them leave without taking some action, and so the band work to prove that the sheriff is not a worthy replacement in the kitchen.
Last on
Mon 21 Nov 2016