An ce貌l as fhe脿rr bhon fh猫is anns a' Mhanachainn bho leithid na Manic Street Preachers. Coverage of the Manic Street Preachers from the second night of the Tartan Heart Festival.
Coverage from the second night of the Tartan Heart Festival in Beauly, presented by Fiona MacKenzie and Niall Iain MacDonald. The running order includes a headlining performance from iconic band Manic Street Preachers. In a career spanning almost thirty years, the Welsh outfit continue to challenge and excite. The previous year's album Futurology demonstrated that members James Dean Bradfield, Nicky Wire and Sean Moore still possess the ability to produce critically acclaimed music whilst maintaining widespread popular appeal. Other featured performers include Idlewild, Eddi Reader and Hayseed Dixie.
Fiona NicChoinnich agus Niall Iain D貌mhnallach leis a' che貌l as fhe脿rr bhon fh猫is anns a' Mhanachainn. Am measg nan c貌mhlain a chithear sa phr貌gram-sa, bidh an c貌mhlan Cuimreach Manic Street Preachers, Idlewild, Eddi Reader agus Hayseed Dixie.