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Lars Vogt and the Orchestra della Svizzera Italiana

Catriona Young's selection includes a concert given by Lars Vogt and the Orchestra della Svizzera Italiana conducted by Stephane Deneve.

With Catriona Young.

1:01 AM
Weber, Carl Maria von (1786-1826)
Der Beherrscher der Geister (The Ruler of the Spirits) - Overture, Op.27
Orchestra della Svizzera Italiana, St茅phane Den猫ve (conductor)

1:07 AM
Mendelssohn, Felix (1809-1847)
Symphony no.5 in D minor, Op.107 ('Reformation')
Orchestra della Svizzera Italiana, St茅phane Den猫ve (conductor)

1:39 AM
Brahms, Johannes (1833-1897)
Piano Concerto no.2 in B flat major, Op.83
Lars Vogt (piano), Orchestra della Svizzera Italiana, St茅phane Den猫ve (conductor)

2:27 AM
Brahms, Johannes (1833-1897)
Waltz in A flat major, Op.39 No.15
Lars Vogt (piano)

2:30 AM
Schumann, Robert (1810-1856), text: Heine, Heinrich (1797-1856)
Dichterliebe for voice and piano (Op.48)
Ronan Collett (baritone), Christopher Glynn (piano)

3:01 AM
Vivaldi, Antonio (1678-1741)
The Four Seasons, Concertos Op.8 Nos.1-4
Barbara Jane Gilbey (violin), The Tasmanian Symphony Chamber Players, Geoffrey Lancaster (conductor)

3:41 AM
Bach, Johann Sebastian [1685-1750]
Partita no. 1 in B flat major BWV.825 for keyboard
Beatrice Rana (piano)

4:00 AM
Cervello, Jordi [b.1935] [ ]
To Bach
Atrium Quartet

4:11 AM
Bach, Carl Philipp Emanuel (1714-1788)
Cantata: Heilig, Heilig (Wq.217/H.778)
Netherlands Chamber Choir, Amsterdam Baroque Orchestra, Ton Koopman (conductor)

4:17 AM
Debussy, Claude (1862-1918)
Pr茅lude 脿 l'apr猫s-midi d'un faune
Norwegian Radio Orchestra, Matthew Rowe (conductor)

4:28 AM
Chopin, Fryderyk [1810-1849]
Nocturne no.2 in D flat major, Op.27
Ronald Brautigam (piano)

4:35 AM
Veana, Mat铆as Juan de (1656-after 1707)
Ay, amor, qu茅 dulce tirano
Olga Pitarch (soprano), Accentus Austria, Thomas Wimmer (director)

4:40 AM
Nin (y Castellanos), Joaqu铆n (1879-1949)
Seguida Espanola (1930)
Henry-David Varema (cello), Heiki M盲tlik (guitar)

4:49 AM
Glinka, Mikhail Ivanovich (1804-1857)
Capriccio Brillante for symphony orchestra on the theme of 'Jota Aragonesa' (also known as Spanish Overture No.1)
Slovak Radio Symphony Orchestra, Ondrej Lenard (conductor)

5:01 AM
Bart贸k, B茅la (1881-1945), arranged by Sz茅kely, Zolt谩n (1903-2001)
Romanian folk dances (Sz.56) arr. for violin & piano
Vineta Sareika (violin), Ventis Zilberts (piano)

5:07 AM
Lipatti, Dinu [1917-1950]
Chorale for String Orchestra
Romanian National Radio Orchestra, Horia Andreescu (conductor)

5:12 AM
Tippett, Michael (1905-1998)
Five Spirituals - from the oratorio 'A Child of our Time'
Vancouver Bach Choir , Bruce Pullan (conductor)

5:23 AM
Wilbye, John (1574-1638)
Draw on, sweet night for violin & viols
Ensemble Daedalus , Roberto Festa (conductor)

5:28 AM
Tallis, Thomas (c.1505-1585)
Spem in Alium, for 40 voices
大象传媒 Singers, Stephen Cleobury (conductor)

5:37 AM
Telemann, Georg Philipp [1681-1767]
Sonate de Concert in C for trumpet and organ
Blagoj Angelovski (trumpet), Velin Iliev (organ)

5:47 AM
Handel, Georg Friedrich (1685-1759)
Incidental music to 'The Alchemist', a play by Ben Johnson
CBC Vancouver Orchestra, Monica Huggett (conductor)

6:04 AM
Kuhnau, Johan (1660-1722)
Biblical sonata for keyboard no.2 in G minor 'Saul cured by David through music'
Luc Beausejour (harpsichord)

6:20 AM
Mancini, Francesco [1672-1727]
Missa Septimus for 5 part choir, soloists, strings and continuo
Claire Lefilli芒tre (soprano), Marnix De Cat (alto), Han Warmelinck (tenor), Currende, Erik van Nevel (conductor)

6:46 AM
Buxtehude, Dietrich (1637-1707)
Nun freut euch lieben Christen g'mein - Chorale Fantasy (BuxWV 210)
Theo Jellema (organ of Martinikerk, Groningen, built in 1542 from the original organ by Johan then Damme (1481)).

6 hours

Music Played

  • Carl Maria von Weber

    Overture, Der Beherrscher der Geister, Op.27

    Orchestra: Orchestra della Svizzera italiana. Conductor: St茅phane Den猫ve.
  • Felix Mendelssohn

    Symphony no.5 in D minor, Op.107 ('Reformation')

    Orchestra: Orchestra della Svizzera italiana. Conductor: St茅phane Den猫ve.
  • Johannes Brahms

    Piano Concerto no.2 in B flat major, Op.83

    Performer: Lars Vogt. Orchestra: Orchestra della Svizzera italiana. Conductor: St茅phane Den猫ve.
  • Johannes Brahms

    Waltz in A flat major, Op.39 no.15

    Performer: Lars Vogt.
    • CHRSI.
  • Robert Schumann

    Dichterliebe for voice and piano (Op.48)

    Performer: Christopher Glynn. Author: Heine. Author: Heinrich. Singer: Ronan Collett.
  • Antonio Vivaldi

    The Four Seasons

    Performer: Barbara Jane Gilby. Ensemble: Tasmanian Symphony Chamber Players. Conductor: Geoffrey Lancaster.
    • AUABC.
  • Johann Sebastian Bach

    Keyboard Partita No 1 in B flat major, BWV 825

    Performer: Beatrice Rana.
    • PLPR.
  • Jordi Cervell贸

    To Bach

    Ensemble: Atrium Quartet.
    • ESCAT.
  • Carl Philipp Emanuel Bach

    Cantata: Heilig, Heilig (Wq.217/H.778)

    Choir: Nederlands Kamerkoor. Orchestra: Amsterdam Baroque Orchestra. Conductor: Ton Koopman.
    • NLNOS.
  • Claude Debussy

    Prelude a l'apres-midi d'un faune

    Orchestra: Norwegian Radio Orchestra. Conductor: Matthew Rose.
  • Fr茅d茅ric Chopin

    Nocturne in D flat major, Op 27 No 2

    Performer: Ronald Brautigam.
    • NLNPB.
  • Matias Juan de Veana

    Ay amor que dulce tirano [Love, the sweet tyrant]

    Singer: Olga Pitarch. Ensemble: Accentus Austria. Director: Thomas Wimmer.
    • DEWDR.
  • Joaquin Nin

    Seguida Espanola

    Performer: Henry-David Varema. Performer: Heiki M盲tlik.
    • EEER.
  • Mikhail Ivanovich Glinka

    Capriccio brillante on the theme 'Jota Aragonesa'

    Orchestra: Bratislava Slovak Radio Symphony Orchestra. Conductor: Ondrej Len谩rd.
    • SKSR.
  • B茅la Bart贸k

    Romanian Folk dances

    Performer: Vineta Sareika. Performer: Ventis Zilberts. Music Arranger: Zolt谩n Sz茅kely.
    • SKSR.
  • Dinu Lipatti

    Chorale for String Orchestra

    Orchestra: Romanian Radio National Orchestra. Conductor: Horia Andreescu.
    • ROROR.
  • Michael Tippett

    Five Spirituals from "A Child of our Time"

    Choir: Vancouver Bach Choir. Conductor: Bruce Pullan.
    • CACBC.
  • John Wilbye

    Draw on, sweet night for violin & viols

    Ensemble: Ensemble Daedalus. Conductor: Roberto Festa.
  • Thomas Tallis

    Spem in Alium, for 40 voices

    Choir: 大象传媒 Singers. Conductor: Stephen Cleobury.
    • GB大象传媒.
  • Georg Philipp Telemann

    Sonate de Concert for trumpet in C and organ

    Performer: Blagoj Angelovski. Performer: Velin Iliev.
    • BGBNR.
  • George Frideric Handel

    The Alchymist (incidental music)

    Orchestra: CBC Radio Orchestra. Conductor: Monica Huggett.
    • CACBC.
  • Johann Kuhnau

    Biblical sonata for keyboard no.2 in G minor "Saul cured by David through music"

    Performer: Luc Beaus茅jour.
    • CACBC.
  • Francesco Mancini

    Missa Septimus

    Singer: Claire Lefilli芒tre. Singer: Marnix De Cat. Singer: Han Warmelink. Ensemble: Currende. Director: Erik Van Nevel.
    • BEVRT.
  • Dieterich Buxtehude

    Nun freut euch lieben Christen g'mein - Chorale Fantasy (BuxWV 210)

    Performer: Theo Jellema.
    • NLNOS.


  • Sun 20 Sep 2015 01:00

A whole lot of night music

A whole lot of night music

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