Documentary following Marybell MacIntyre from South Uist as she knits an Eriskay jumper to give to the pope at the Vatican in Rome as an Easter gift.
Tha meas air a bhith aig Mà iribell Nic an t-Saoir à Uibhist a Deas dha dualchas fighe nan Eilean Siar, agus gu sònraichte dhan gheansaidh shònraichte Èirisgeach fad greis.
Chan e fighe furasta a tha na lùib agus as deidh dhi ionnsachadh mu mar bha thu ga dhèanamh bho bhuidheann de bhoireannaich air Èirisgeigh fhèin aig a bheil fios a-mhà in mun cheà ird phrìseil seo, cho-dhùin i gun robh an ath phròiseact a bha fa-near dhith gu bhith dha-rìreibh sònraichte.
Tha a creideamh Caitligeach air a bhith a-riamh fìor chudromach dhi, agus aig toiseach 2015, 's air a misneachadh le lèirsinn agus mothachadh a' Phà pa ùr, thòisich i air Geansaidh Èirisgeach a dhealbhaich i airson 'Iasgair nan Daoine' fhèin, agus i an dòchas a thoirt dha mar phreusant Cà isge san Vatican san Ròimh.
Ann an Geansaidh a' Phà pa leanaidh sinn Mà iribell air a turas prìseil pearsanta, agus innsidh sinn cuideachd sgeulachd a' gheansaidh shònraichte seo.
Marybell MacIntyre from South Uist has, for a long time, had a passion for the knitting heritage of the Hebrides and in particular the unique Eriskay jumper.
Having learnt how to knit the complex pattern for the jumper traditionally knitted for fishermen, from a group of older women on Eriskay itself who remain the sole custodians of this art form, Marybell decided that her next knitting project would be a truly special one.
Her Cathlolic faith has long been important to her and in early 2015, inspired by the new pope's visionary and approachable attitude, Marybell started to knit an Eriskay jumper specifically designed for 'the fisher of people', her plan being to then present it to him at the Vatican in Rome as an Easter gift.
The Pope's Eriskay Jumper follows Marybell's unique personal journey and also tells the story of what is a unique garment.
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- Mon 21 Sep 2015 21:30
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